Auto producers generate some or all of their electricity from their own solar PV installations. In contrast to IPPs, auto producers’ primary objective is to meet their own needs for electricity. As businesses in Kosovo face the daily challenges of rising energy prices and power shortages, they are increasingly seeking options to produce their own energy for their operations.
Investments in solar energy have multiple benefits for both businesses and the environment. Instead of paying an electricity bill each month, you can finance a solar PV investment through a bank loan and repay the bank loan using money saved from your electricity bills – in other words, without negatively affecting your operating cash flow.
Investing in green energy will improve your business’ energy security and will increase its competitive advantage in the local and international markets.
Auto producers include two types of generators:
Prosumers are grid-connected electricity customers with small renewable energy generating facilities. They have the right to both consume the generated electricity themselves and to deliver any excess generated electricity to the grid.
Behind-the-meter consumers are grid-connected electricity consumers who meet their own electricity needs (either partially or entirely) through a solar PV installation of any size that is not connected to the meter. This means that, unlike prosumers, behind-the-meter customers cannot deliver any excess generated electricity to the grid.
Off-grid solar PV users are not connected to the grid; they are frequently found in remote, agricultural settings or areas where the grid is not reliable, such as users who need electricity for water pumping. These users meet their energy needs through PV systems backed up with batteries.